Product Design for SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Data Warehouse.
Reducing complexity and creating efficiency for users and for SAP.
As a product designer at SAP, I was working on Analytics Cloud with the infrastructure team, responsible for user management, security, and other admin user areas within the product. Below are a few spec documents I created during my time. I was primarily focused on the team/space workflows, a new feature that was introduced with Data Warehouse.
Company & Year: SAP, April to December 2019.
Role: User experience and interface design for all projects, assisting with user testing, user workflow visualization and presentation. Collaborate with senior product designers on projects as needed.
Status: The projects listed below are protected by NDA and may or may not be in the product, they are however spec ready documents for development.
Part 1 — Surfacing team assignment for all users
One of the first projects I tackled was designing a solution to the challenge of hidden team assignment. This was an issue that would pertain to admin and non-admin users. Every user in the platform could be assigned to teams, teams dictate what content and permissions users have so it was critical to reduce error and complexity here.
I first began by mapping out the user workflow that both admins and non-admins would take to see their teams. From here, I identified where complexity could be reduced and we could surface team assignment. Working with product managers and SAP Fiora (design system), I created a spec document for development.
Part 2 — Assigning users to spaces and teams
As a follow-up to the above project, I then dug deeper into the admin experience of assigning users through the User Management area to teams and spaces. The view is presented tabularly, so it can be overwhelming to see the options. At the time, this was with the assistance of a senior product designer on the team who was tackling the concept of Spaces as a whole.
Working with the senior product designer, product management, and a technical dev lead, we mapped out the touchpoints and workflow, formalized the concept of a Space, and iterated on the proposed design below.
Part 3 — Assigning teams to a space as a whole
As the final part of the assigning workflow, the entire teams can be assigned to spaces as a whole. This was the final layer of complexity that I was tasked with tackling. The design team had formalized the space concept and other elements and my role was to finalize the assignment workflow.
Using SAP Fiora and collaborating closely with designers from other teams, I linked elements from various design teams and how they map to the entire workflow to create the specs below.
Reusable research templates
To wrap up my time with SAP and to contribute back to the design team, I documented and created a template for a research method that I collaborated on with another designer. During our time designing for Data Warehouse (NDA), we needed a way to send a questionnaire en masse to internal team members.
Below is the final document I created collaborating closely with our DesignOps team so it can be integrated formally into SAP’s design processes.